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Learn How to Decode and Rebuild Facebook Apk Files with Apktool


How to Use Apktool to Reverse Engineer Facebook App

If you are curious about how the Facebook app works, or you want to customize it to your liking, you might want to reverse engineer it. Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing and modifying an app's code, resources, and behavior. However, reverse engineering an Android app is not easy, as it is usually protected by encryption, obfuscation, and compression. That's why you need a tool like Apktool.

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What is Apktool and Why You Need It

Apktool is a tool for reverse engineering Android apps. It can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications. It also makes possible to debug smali code step by step. Smali is an intermediate language that Android apps use after being compiled from Java or Kotlin.

Apktool Features and Benefits

Some of the features and benefits of using Apktool are:

  • It can decode and encode almost all types of resources, such as images, strings, layouts, menus, etc.

  • It can handle complex resource structures, such as multiple configurations, densities, languages, etc.

  • It can disassemble and assemble smali code, allowing you to edit the app's logic and functionality.

  • It can handle different types of APK files, such as signed, zipped, split, etc.

  • It can work with framework files, which are essential for decoding some system apps.

  • It can be integrated with other tools, such as JD-GUI, Dex2Jar, Baksmali, etc.

Apktool Installation and Requirements

To install Apktool on your computer, you need to have the following requirements:

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  • A Linux, Windows, or Mac OS operating system.

  • A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 or higher.

  • An Android SDK (Software Development Kit) for signing and installing the modified APK files.

You can download the latest version of Apktool from its official website or its GitHub repository . You can also use the following commands to install it on Linux:

sudo apt update sudo apt install apktool

To verify that Apktool is installed correctly, you can run the following command:

apktool -version

You should see something like this:

Apktool v2.7.0-dirty - a tool for reengineering Android apk files with smali v2.5.2.git2771eae-debian and baksmali v2.5.2.git2771eae-debian

What is Facebook App and How It Works

Facebook app is one of the most popular social media apps in the world. It allows you to connect with your friends and family, share photos and videos, chat and call, join groups and pages, play games, watch live streams, and more. It also integrates with other Facebook products, such as Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, etc.

Facebook App Structure and Components

The Facebook app is composed of several components that work together to provide a smooth and rich user experience. Some of these components are:

  • The APK file: This is the continuation of the article: The APK file: This is the file that you download and install on your device. It contains the app's code, resources, and metadata. It is actually a zip file with a different extension. You can open it with any zip tool to see its contents.

  • The AndroidManifest.xml file: This is the file that defines the app's identity, permissions, activities, services, receivers, providers, and other components. It also specifies the app's compatibility, features, intents, and configurations.

  • The res folder: This is the folder that contains the app's resources, such as images, strings, layouts, menus, animations, styles, colors, etc. These resources are organized in subfolders according to their types and qualifiers.

  • The assets folder: This is the folder that contains the app's raw files, such as fonts, sounds, videos, etc. These files are not processed by the Android system and are accessed by the app using a special URI.

  • The lib folder: This is the folder that contains the app's native libraries, such as .so files. These libraries are compiled for different architectures and are loaded by the app at runtime.

  • The classes.dex file: This is the file that contains the app's compiled code in smali format. Smali is an intermediate language that Android apps use after being compiled from Java or Kotlin. It is similar to assembly language and can be disassembled and assembled by tools like Baksmali and Smali.

  • The META-INF folder: This is the folder that contains the app's signature and certificate information. These files are used to verify the app's integrity and authenticity.

Facebook App Permissions and Data Usage

The Facebook app requires several permissions to access your device's features and data. Some of these permissions are:

  • Camera: To take photos and videos within the app.

  • Contacts: To sync your contacts with Facebook and suggest friends.

  • Location: To show you nearby events, places, and ads.

  • Microphone: To record audio within the app.

  • Phone: To make and receive calls through Messenger.

  • SMS: To read and send SMS messages through Messenger.

  • Storage: To read and write data on your device's storage.

The Facebook app also collects and uses your data for various purposes, such as:

  • Providing and improving its services and products.

  • Personalizing your experience and showing you relevant content and ads.

  • Analyzing your behavior and preferences.

  • Communicating with you and others.

  • Protecting its rights and interests and enforcing its policies.

You can manage your permissions and data settings in the Facebook app by going to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Apps & Websites > Facebook > Permissions or Data Usage.

How to Decode Facebook App with Apktool

If you want to reverse engineer the Facebook app, you need to decode it with Apktool first. Decoding means converting the APK file into a readable and editable format. Here are the steps to decode the Facebook app with Apktool: This is the continuation of the article: Step 1: Download Facebook App APK File

The first step is to get the APK file of the Facebook app. You can download it from the Google Play Store or any other trusted source. You can also extract it from your device using a file manager or an ADB (Android Debug Bridge) command. For example, you can use this command to pull the APK file from your device to your computer:

adb pull /data/app/com.facebook.katana-1/base.apk

This will copy the APK file to your current working directory. You can rename it to something more convenient, such as facebook.apk.

Step 2: Run Apktool Decode Command

The next step is to run the Apktool decode command to decode the APK file. You can use this command to do that:

apktool d facebook.apk

This will create a folder named facebook in your current working directory. This folder will contain the decoded files and folders of the Facebook app. You can also use some options to customize the decoding process, such as:

  • -f: To force overwrite the existing folder.

  • -o: To specify a different output folder.

  • -r: To skip decoding the resources.

  • -s: To skip decoding the sources.

  • -m: To match the original signature and certificate.

For example, you can use this command to decode only the sources and output them to a folder named fb-src:

apktool d -s -o fb-src facebook.apk

Step 3: Explore the Decoded Files and Folders

The final step is to explore the decoded files and folders of the Facebook app. You can use any text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to view and edit them. You can also use other tools, such as JD-GUI, Dex2Jar, Baksmali, etc., to further analyze and modify them. Some of the files and folders that you might want to check out are:

  • The AndroidManifest.xml file: This is where you can see the app's identity, permissions, components, etc.

  • The res folder: This is where you can find and edit the app's resources, such as images, strings, layouts, menus, etc.

  • The smali folder: This is where you can find and edit the app's smali code, which controls its logic and functionality.

  • The assets folder: This is where you can find and edit the app's raw files, such as fonts, sounds, videos, etc.

  • The lib folder: This is where you can find and replace the app's native libraries, such as .so files.

  • The META-INF folder: This is where you can find and modify the app's signature and certificate information.

This is the continuation of the article: How to Modify Facebook App with Apktool

After decoding the Facebook app with Apktool, you can modify it to your liking. Modifying means changing the app's code, resources, and behavior. Here are the steps to modify the Facebook app with Apktool:

Step 1: Make Changes to the Decoded Files

The first step is to make changes to the decoded files of the Facebook app. You can use any text editor or IDE to edit them. You can also use other tools, such as JD-GUI, Dex2Jar, Baksmali, etc., to further analyze and modify them. Some of the things that you might want to change are:

  • The app's name, icon, version, package, etc.

  • The app's permissions, features, intents, configurations, etc.

  • The app's resources, such as images, strings, layouts, menus, etc.

  • The app's smali code, such as variables, methods, classes, etc.

  • The app's raw files, such as fonts, sounds, videos, etc.

  • The app's native libraries, such as .so files.

For example, you can change the app's name from Facebook to Fakebook by editing the res/values/strings.xml file and changing this line:


To this:


Step 2: Run Apktool Build Command

The next step is to run the Apktool build command to build the modified files into a new APK file. You can use this command to do that:

apktool b facebook

This will create a new APK file named facebook.apk in the facebook/dist folder. You can also use some options to customize the building process, such as:

  • -f: To force overwrite the existing APK file.

  • -o: To specify a different output APK file.

  • -r: To skip building the resources.

  • -s: To skip building the sources.

  • -m: To match the original signature and certificate.

For example, you can use this command to build only the resources and output them to a file named fakebook.apk:

apktool b -r -o fakebook.apk facebook This is the continuation of the article: Step 3: Sign and Install the Modified APK File

The final step is to sign and install the modified APK file on your device. Signing means adding a digital signature to the APK file to verify its integrity and authenticity. Installing means copying and running the APK file on your device. Here are the steps to sign and install the modified APK file:

  • Step 1: Generate a keystore and a key pair using the keytool command. A keystore is a file that stores your keys and certificates. A key pair consists of a public key and a private key that are used for encryption and decryption. You can use this command to generate a keystore and a key pair:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore mykeystore.jks -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

This will create a file named mykeystore.jks in your current working directory. You will be prompted to enter some information, such as your name, organization, password, etc. You can also use some options to customize the generation process, such as:

  • -keystore: To specify a different keystore file.

  • -alias: To specify a different key pair alias.

  • -keyalg: To specify a different key algorithm.

  • -keysize: To specify a different key size.

  • -validity: To specify a different validity period.

  • Step 2: Sign the APK file using the jarsigner command. Jarsigner is a tool that signs and verifies JAR (Java Archive) files, which are similar to APK files. You can use this command to sign the APK file:

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore mykeystore.jks fakebook.apk mykey

This will sign the APK file named fakebook.apk with the key pair alias mykey from the keystore file mykeystore.jks. You will be prompted to enter the password for the keystore and the key pair. You can also use some options to customize the signing process, such as:

  • -verbose: To display detailed information about the signing process.

  • -sigalg: To specify a different signature algorithm.

  • -digestalg: To specify a different digest algorithm.

  • -keystore: To specify a different keystore file.

  • -storepass: To specify the password for the keystore.

  • -keypass: To specify the password for the key pair.

  • Step 3: Install the APK file on your device using the adb command. ADB is a tool that allows you to communicate with your device from your computer. You can use this command to install the APK file:

adb install fakebook.apk

This will copy and run the APK file named fakebook.apk on your device. You can also use some options to customize the installation process, such as:

  • -r: To reinstall an existing app.

  • -d: To allow downgrading an app.

  • -s: To install on an SD card.

Conclusion and FAQs

In this article, you learned how to use Apktool to reverse engineer Facebook app. You learned what Apktool is and why you need it, what Facebook app is and how it works, how to decode Facebook app with Apktool, and how to modify Facebook app with Apktool. You also learned how to sign and install the modified APK file on your device. By following these steps, you can explore and customize any Android app that you want.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Apktool and Facebook app:

Q: Is Apktool legal?

A: Apktool is legal as long as you use it for educational or personal purposes only. However, reverse engineering an app may violate its license agreement or intellectual property rights. Therefore, you should always respect the app's developer and owner and not use Apktool for malicious or illegal purposes.

Q: Is Facebook app safe?

A: Facebook app is safe as long as you download it from a trusted source, such as the Google Play Store or the official website. However, Facebook app may collect and use your data for various purposes, which may affect your privacy and security. Therefore, you should always review and manage your permissions and data settings in the Facebook app and not share any sensitive or personal information on Facebook.

Q This is the continuation of the article: Q: How can I update the Facebook app?

A: You can update the Facebook app by going to the Google Play Store and checking for updates. You can also enable the auto-update option to get the latest version automatically. However, if you have modified the Facebook app with Apktool, you may not be able to update it normally. You may need to uninstall the modified app and install the original app again.

Q: How can I uninstall the Facebook app?

A: You can uninstall the Facebook app by going to Settings > Apps & Notifications > Facebook > Uninstall. You can also use the adb command to uninstall the app from your device. For example, you can use this command to uninstall the app:

adb uninstall com.facebook.katana

This will remove the app and its data from your device. However, if you have installed the modified app with a different package name, you may need to use that name instead of com.facebook.katana.

Q: How can I backup and restore the Facebook app?

A: You can backup and restore the Facebook app by using a backup tool, such as Titanium Backup, Helium, or ADB Backup. These tools can backup and restore your app's APK file, data, and settings. However, some of these tools may require root access or a desktop connection. You should also be careful not to restore an incompatible or corrupted backup. 44f88ac181

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