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RPP Kelas 3 Semester 2 Tema 5-8 Daring dan Luring: Revisi 2021


Download RPP Kelas 3 Tema 5 6 7 8: A Guide for Teachers

If you are a teacher of grade 3 students in Indonesia, you might be wondering how to download RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8. RPP is an acronym for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means lesson plan in English. It is a document that describes the learning objectives, activities, materials, methods, and assessments for a specific topic or theme. In this article, we will explain what RPP is, why you need it, how to download it, and how to use it effectively in your classroom.

What is RPP and why do you need it?

RPP is a lesson plan that guides the learning process

A lesson plan is a tool that helps teachers to plan, organize, and deliver their lessons. It helps teachers to align their teaching with the curriculum, to set clear and measurable learning goals, to design engaging and meaningful learning activities, to select appropriate learning materials and resources, to choose effective teaching methods and strategies, and to evaluate the learning outcomes and provide feedback to their students.

download rpp kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8

RPP is a type of lesson plan that is used in Indonesia, especially for elementary school teachers who follow the Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or the Curriculum 2013. This curriculum is based on a thematic approach, which means that teachers integrate different subjects or disciplines under one theme or topic. For example, for grade 3 students, there are eight themes or topics for each semester, such as weather, energy and its changes, technology development, and so on. Each theme has several sub-themes that cover different aspects of the theme.

RPP is based on the curriculum and the competencies

RPP is not created randomly or arbitrarily by teachers. It is based on the curriculum and the competencies that are expected from the students. The curriculum provides the scope and sequence of the themes and sub-themes, as well as the indicators of achievement for each sub-theme. The competencies are divided into three domains: attitude, knowledge, and skills. Attitude competencies refer to the values and character traits that students should develop, such as honesty, responsibility, respect, tolerance, etc. Knowledge competencies refer to the concepts and facts that students should understand, such as natural phenomena, social issues, cultural diversity, etc. Skills competencies refer to the abilities and capacities that students should acquire, such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, etc.

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RPP helps teachers to translate the curriculum and the competencies into concrete and measurable learning objectives for each sub-theme. For example, for grade 3 students who learn about weather in theme 5 (Cuaca), one of the sub-themes is weather changes (Perubahan Cuaca). One of the learning objectives for this sub-theme is: "Students can explain the causes and effects of weather changes using simple sentences". This objective covers both knowledge and skills competencies.</ RPP helps you to prepare, implement, and evaluate the learning outcomes

RPP is not only a plan, but also a guide and a record of the learning process. It helps you to prepare your lesson by providing you with a clear and detailed outline of what you need to do before, during, and after the lesson. It helps you to implement your lesson by giving you a step-by-step procedure of how to conduct the learning activities, how to use the learning materials and resources, how to manage the classroom, and how to facilitate the students' learning. It also helps you to evaluate the learning outcomes by specifying the criteria and methods of assessment, as well as the feedback and remedial actions that you need to give to your students.

RPP is not a rigid or fixed document that you have to follow exactly as it is written. It is a flexible and dynamic document that you can adapt and modify according to your needs, preferences, and situations. You can also use RPP as a reflection tool to review your lesson, to identify your strengths and weaknesses, to learn from your experiences, and to improve your teaching practice.

How to download RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8?

Choose the source of RPP that suits your needs

There are many sources of RPP that you can find online or offline. However, not all sources are reliable or suitable for your needs. You need to choose the source of RPP that meets the following criteria:

  • It is compatible with the Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or the Curriculum 2013.

  • It covers all the themes and sub-themes for grade 3 students.

  • It is updated and revised regularly.

  • It is clear, complete, and accurate.

  • It is easy to access and download.

There are two main types of sources that you can choose from: official sources from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan or Kemendikbud) or online platforms from other teachers or institutions.

Official sources from the Ministry of Education and Culture

The Ministry of Education and Culture provides RPP for all grades and subjects based on the Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or the Curriculum 2013. You can access these RPP from their official website: . This website also provides other learning materials and resources, such as textbooks, worksheets, videos, etc.

To download RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 from this website, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to .

  • Select "SD" (Sekolah Dasar) as the level of education.

  • Select "RPP" as the type of material.

  • Select "Kelas 3" as the grade level.

  • Select "Tema" as the category.

  • Select "Tema 5", "Tema 6", "Tema 7", or "Tema 8" as the theme that you want to download.

  • Select "Download" as the action.

  • You will see a list of sub-themes for each theme. Click on the sub-theme that you want to download.

  • You will see a PDF file of RPP for that sub-theme. Click on the download icon or button on the top right corner of the file.

  • Save the file in your device or print it out.

Online platforms from other teachers or institutions

Besides the official source from the Ministry of Education and Culture, you can also find RPP from other online platforms that are created by other teachers or institutions. These platforms may offer different versions or formats of RPP that suit different needs or preferences. However, you need to be careful and selective when choosing these platforms, as some of them may not be reliable or updated.

Some examples of online platforms that provide RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 are:

To download RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 from these platforms, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the website of the platform that you choose.

  • Search for RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 or browse through the categories or menus.

  • You will see a list of RPP for each theme and sub-theme. Click on the RPP that you want to download.

  • You will see a preview or a description of the RPP. Check the compatibility and quality of the RPP.

  • Click on the download link or button that is provided by the platform.

  • Save the file in your device or print it out.

How to use RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 effectively?

Review and modify the RPP according to your context and objectives

After you download RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8, you need to review and modify it according to your context and objectives. You need to consider the following factors:

  • Your students' characteristics, needs, interests, and abilities.

  • Your school's vision, mission, goals, and culture.

  • Your classroom's facilities, resources, and environment.

  • Your own strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and style.

You can modify the RPP by adding, deleting, changing, or rearranging some elements of the RPP, such as the learning objectives, activities, materials, methods, or assessments. You can also add your own creativity and innovation to make the RPP more engaging and meaningful for your students. However, you need to make sure that your modifications are still aligned with the curriculum and the competencies.

Implement the RPP in your classroom with creativity and flexibility

Once you have reviewed and modified the RPP, you can implement it in your classroom with creativity and flexibility. You need to follow these tips:

  • Prepare your lesson well by gathering all the necessary materials and resources, setting up the classroom, and rehearsing your lesson.

  • Start your lesson with a hook or an attention-grabber that sparks your students' curiosity and interest in the topic.

  • Explain the learning objectives and expectations clearly and explicitly to your students.

  • Conduct the learning activities according to the RPP, but be ready to adjust or improvise if needed.

  • Use a variety of teaching methods and strategies that suit your students' learning styles and preferences.

  • Use different types of learning materials and resources that are relevant and appealing to your students.

  • Facilitate your students' learning by asking questions, giving feedback, providing guidance, encouraging participation, etc.

  • Manage your classroom effectively by creating a positive and supportive atmosphere, establishing rules and routines, dealing with problems or conflicts, etc.

Assess the learning outcomes and give feedback to your students

The last step of using RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 effectively is to assess the learning outcomes and give feedback to your students. You need to do these things:

  • Evaluate your students' learning outcomes based on the criteria and methods that are specified in the RPP.

  • Use different types of assessments that measure different domains of competencies (attitude, knowledge, skills).

  • Use both formative and summative assessments that provide ongoing and final information about your students' learning progress.

  • Give constructive feedback to your students that is specific, timely, positive, and actionable.

  • Record and report your students' learning outcomes using appropriate tools and formats.

  • Analyze and reflect on your students' learning outcomes and identify their strengths and weaknesses.


RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 is a lesson plan that guides teachers to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate their lessons for grade 3 students who learn about different themes or topics based on the Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or the Curriculum 2013. Teachers can download RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 from various sources online or offline, but they need to choose the source that is reliable, compatible, updated, and easy to access. Teachers also need to review and modify the RPP according to their context and objectives, implement the RPP in their classroom with creativity and flexibility, and assess the learning outcomes and give feedback to their students. By using RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8 effectively, teachers can enhance their teaching practice and improve their students' learning experience.


Here are some frequently asked questions about RPP kelas 3 tema 5 6 7 8:

  • What are the themes or topics for grade 3 students in Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or Curriculum 2013?

The themes or topics for grade 3 students in Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or Curriculum 2013 are:





Tema 1: Indahnya Kebersamaan (The Beauty of Togetherness)

Subtema 1: Aku dan Temanku (Me and My Friends)

Subtema 2: Aku dan Keluargaku (Me and My Family)

Subtema 3: Aku dan Sekolahku (Me and My School)

Subtema 4: Aku dan Lingkunganku (Me and My Environment)

Tema 2: Bermain di Lingkunganku (Playing in My Environment)

Subtema 1: Bermain di Rumah (Playing at Home)

Subtema 2: Bermain di Sekolah (Playing at School)

Subtema 3: Bermain di Taman (Playing at the Park)

Subtema 4: Bermain di Tempat Wisata (Playing at the Tourist Spot)


Tema 5: Cuaca (Weather)

Subtema 1: Macam-macam Cuaca (Various Types of Weather)

Subtema 2: Perubahan Cuaca (Weather Changes)

Subtema 3: Pengaruh Cuaca terhadap Kegiatan Manusia (The Influence of Weather on Human Activities)

Subtema 4: Upaya Manusia dalam Mengatasi Perubahan Cuaca (Human Efforts in Overcoming Weather Changes)

Tema 6: Energi dan Perubahannya (Energy and Its Changes)

Subtema 1: Sumber Energi Alamiah (Natural Sources of Energy)

  • Subtema 2: Sumber Energi Buatan Manusia (Artificial Sources of Energy)Subtema 3: Perubahan Bentuk Energi (Changes of Energy Forms)Subtema 4: Penghematan Energi untuk Masa Depan (Energy Saving for the Future)What are the benefits of using a thematic approach in teaching and learning?

  • A thematic approach is a way of teaching and learning that integrates different subjects or disciplines under one theme or topic. Some of the benefits of using a thematic approach are:It makes the learning more relevant and meaningful for the students, as they can relate the theme or topic to their own experiences, interests, and contexts.

  • It develops the students' holistic competencies, as they can learn different concepts, facts, skills, values, and attitudes from different perspectives and domains.

  • It fosters the students' critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration skills, as they can explore, investigate, analyze, synthesize, and communicate their ideas and findings about the theme or topic.

  • It motivates the students' curiosity and interest in learning, as they can discover new things and connections about the theme or topic.

  • How to make RPP more engaging and meaningful for the students?

There are many ways to make RPP more engaging and meaningful for the students, such as:

  • Using authentic and relevant learning materials and resources, such as real objects, pictures, videos, stories, news, etc.

  • Using interactive and cooperative learning activities, such as games, simulations, experiments, projects, discussions, etc.

  • Using differentiated and personalized learning strategies, such as scaffolding, modeling, questioning, feedback, etc.

  • Using cross-curricular and interdisciplinary connections, such as linking the theme or topic to other subjects or disciplines, such as math, science, art, etc.

  • Using inquiry-based and problem-based learning approaches, such as asking open-ended questions, posing challenges or problems, encouraging investigation and exploration, etc.

  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of RPP?

To evaluate the effectiveness of RPP, you need to collect and analyze data from different sources and methods, such as:

  • Students' learning outcomes, such as test scores, assignments, portfolios, etc.

  • Students' feedback and opinions, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.

  • Teachers' self-evaluation and reflection, such as journals, logs, portfolios, etc.

  • Teachers' peer observation and feedback, such as peer coaching, mentoring, collaboration, etc.

  • External evaluation and feedback, such as supervisors' observation and feedback, experts' review and feedback, etc.

You need to compare the data with the expected results and identify the gaps or discrepancies. You also need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the RPP and the factors that influence its effectiveness. Based on the data analysis, you can make recommendations and suggestions for improvement or revision of the RPP. 44f88ac181

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